Newhall Paralegal
If you need a paralegal to assist you on a legal matter in Newhall, California, or, if you happen to live in Newhall, California and need a paralegal, give us a call…!!!
Law Freq Legal Services provides paralegal services to attorneys in compliance with California Business and Professions Code sections 6450, et seq., and self-help service to the public as legal document assistants in compliance with California Business and Professions Code sections 6400, et seq.
As a courtesy to our Newhall, California clients, with whom we have been assisting for more than 15 years, we offer low cost legal assistance in all areas of the law. In fact, Law Freq Legal Services was one of the first providers of self help services and related legal alternatives to Newhall, California residents after its owner attended law school. Of course, back in the 1990’s, the majority of Law Freq’s clients were attorneys! Thus, if attorneys and law firms continue to hire us on a regular basis to do their work, it means our work product is excellent!
In short, we are well-versed in many areas of the law.
That is because our experience comes from working with attorneys for more than 25 years! We are able to handle the following legal challenges: Appeals and Appellate law, Animal torts (including dog bite cases), Business litigation, Civil law matters, Computer torts, Construction defect litigation, Copyright matters, Criminal Record Expungement, Defamation and Privacy claims, Discrimination actions, Employment litigation, including class actions, Estate planning utilizing Living Trusts & Wills, Family law matters, including divorce, child custody and support, Governmental torts, Health care litigation, Insurance defense, Intellectual property litigation, Juvenile law, Personal injury, Premises liability, Probate litigation, Professional liability prosecution and defense, Product liability, Real estate litigation, Securities litigation, Trademark counseling and licensing, Trade secrets, Unlawful Detainer, White collar crime (including bank fraud and tax fraud), Writs of mandate, Wrongful death & Survival actions . . . and many more . . .
So, if you or a family member needs help, or simply has questions, give Law Freq Legal Services a call. We will do our best to respond to your concern. We offer a personalized approach and provide legal document assistance like no other paralegal service company in Newhall, California.
As a further courtesy, we have a direct connection with dozens of California licensed attorneys who are more than happy to discuss your legal matter with you. Some provide free consultations and some do not. Law Freq Legal Services cannot quote prices or fees for these attorneys, but, we know through working with them for many years that they are affordable and talented in their specific legal field.
We look forward to developing a continued relationship with you and your Newhall, California neighbors. So, be sure to take advantage of what we have to offer!!!
Law Freq Legal Services – Providing Low Cost Legal Services for lawyers and lay people.
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